What weapon has the highest avg dmg in 1.00?


New member
Apr 9, 2023
1.00 is a quirky patch. Many things do not function as you would expect. Half of the exceptional items won’t drop, the ones that do often don’t work.

Since ww is broken and a set attack speed, what weapon that can drop has the highest average dmg? I’m looking at ancient axe and partizan, I’d make the new barb right now but I’m not convinced either can drop - I definitely won’t stick with a Pike barb since I can go for ultimate style and 11.5 more avg dmg with grim scythe.

If Grim Scythe turns out to be the ultimate 1.00 ww weapon, it’s a cause for celebration.

[Something I noticed...] (Even though d2 triggers a sound on every hit I don’t know if this is an accurate test - but 25 fpa ww is probably a myth, this is how it would sound if you imagine some slight randomness as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLNpTby7qyA , I’m sure ww has a bug but it’s probably an attack every 2 frames instead of every frame)
Went back in with my Pike Barbarian, to seek out what can drop. I found a magical ancient axe which I guess seals the deal on what is the best weapon that can drop in 1.00. I just need to find a superior version x3 for imbues or/and a great rare from a mob. Unfortunately I did already vendor a 145 damage axe thinking it was useless for me - before I realised lances wont drop.

But, more to the point - when I went back in, I found 2 unique rings within an hour, and then when I went to gamble any gauntlets and rings going, I got this


Just as I was thinking getting these is harder than I remember... This is why I’m here... Just 3 more to go for a twinked 1.05 Sorc and hammerdin. I’ll be sticking around for the 15/60 prismatic fcr rare rings and 119% goldfind trophy boots and belt though
[mention]Ülthör[/mention] Welcome to the forum!

Any particular reason of not using 1.05b from the beginning? That’s usually the patch I recommend for the most stable classic experience, unless you are specifically trying to experience/explore something in 1.00.
Thanks :) And, a big thank you for your mod

I think mostly because I don’t know what I’m doing, but I have time travelled in the past in single player for sojs and this was just with original cd’s, meaning 1.00. I did play near launch and I remember gambling being nerfed before LOD but I can’t remember what patch

Other than my encounters with Lord De Seis, playing 1.00 has felt like a truly solid experience.
You can basically do everything you can do in 1.00 in 1.05b, but with most of the problems fixed. You won’t be able to use the WW thing or opening cow level but that’s ok. You can still gamble SOJs and all of that.

I would highly recommend upgrading to 1.05b if nothing specific. Take a look at the Singling patch rationale section for 1.00 and 1.05b as well for a small TLDR.

This would-be-lance barb is already destined to step into the vortex, I’ll take it you can still get the guarunteed 15 prismatic rings, up to 60 single res there? I’ll definitely head back to 1.00 if not.

I am really looking forward to going forward though, the items for selling here are terrible. I’m heading back with a full stash of 2x3 items that go for 8k+ each, thats not to say there aren’t items that sell for 25k but they aren’t as common as I’d like, that said - I’m used to collecting gold with a goldfind barb on battle.net so I probably have unrealistic expectations until the distant future happens.
I believe you could get the prismatic stuff in 1.05b since I don’t remember there being any true differences in item affix possibilities between 1.00-1.06b. Sure you have Lance drop fix in 1.04 IIRC, but the items themselves should be the same. Someone else could confirm. If in doubt, stay on 1.00 though.
Well I’ll be, it’s not 25fpa, but as expected 1.00 ww is insanity, I think I’ll be sticking around here with ancient axe’s and corpse explosion necro’s :)

But I’m sure if I could deck out thid 1.05b with a pike, it would be good, but there’s NO chance, if 200% ED ancient axes exist in 1.00, theres no chance any patch competes with a 1.00 barb

And 1.00 corpse explosion!

It’s just a load of fun. But time travelling to 1.05b for the real game, I’ll get there
Prismatic (fixed +15 res all, so no n-1 bug) definitely existed in 1.05, and you could indeed get up to 49% on a single resist from a prefix. I haven’t seen +64% resist (Prismatic+prefix) rares but I am confident it’s possible.

The relationship between \"printed\" damage and actual WW performance is a bit odd. Short weapons (axes, Martels, etc) do indeed outdamage Pikes/Lances on the LCS, but they miss a _lot_ - Fruit explained why here - https://www.purediablo.com/forums/goto/post?id=8838697. What ends up happening when you fight even small numbers of monsters is that WW will select targets outside of range and whiff. Pikes/Lances don’t really have this issue since they cover almost all of the search radius, so WW behaves as expected, and very nearly all of your attacks are actually damage eligible.

I can say from experience in 1.05 that a barb with Bonesnap in cows got _destroyed_ but one with a junky Pike did great - even though Bonesnap was a much stronger weapon up to 80% of its WW attacks auto miss!
This doesn’t seem odd since I didn’t even see any crushing blow animation go off when I tried bonesnap, and even a plain white pike is around the same average damage isnt it? so literally any pike with mods would wreck bonesnap as far as I can tell

Crushing blow annihilating bosses was always a 1.10++ feature as far as my memory tells me, even if it did work previously

I currently have a 155 damage pike, I wish I had kept that 145 damage axe I found - assuming it would be slightly higher average damage than this pike, to try out on a new build

Agh, I also sold my bonesnap that I found a few days ago, but it certainly wasn’t 200-300% ED like the later patches say on the diablo wiki, the damage was low. Maybe I should go back to norm cows to find another since it has different stats

If you are right here with the range attribute, that would 100% make partizan and grim scythe the best weapons for 1.00
Ülthör said:
This doesn’t seem odd since I didn’t even see any crushing blow animation go off when I tried bonesnap, and even a plain white pike is around the same average damage isnt it? so literally any pike with mods would wreck bonesnap as far as I can tell

White Pikes deal 36.5 average damage; Bonesnap deals 108 average. You’d need a rare with Merciless + King’s to compete with the listed damage. I think I was using a blue Lord’s Pike in cows (~63 average damage), which isn’t even in the same universe as Bonesnap damage-wise but far outperformed it.
I think you’re probably right on all accounts and I’m speculating. AND you tried it on 1.05b.

I tried it against a 111 damage pike, even with the points into spear mastery I calced that the bonesnap would do better so I tried it, and it was just bad. So I guess we both had the same results.

I just brought my pike barb forward and after 30 seconds I went back to 1.00. It really is broken back here, and it gives me a chance to get the perfect CTA base for a pala or two. So I’ve discovered my reasons for being here now.

I just came accross this rare tileset, so I thought it might be a good chance to show the pike in a screenshot https://imgur.com/cdM5kXR

Just going to gamble some frostburns and a wall of eyeless, then I’ll be onto 1.05b for a sorc
Ülthör said:
I just brought my pike barb forward and after 30 seconds I went back to 1.00. It really is broken back here, and it gives me a chance to get the perfect CTA base for a pala or two. So I’ve discovered my reasons for being here now.

WW hits half as often in 1.05 as in 1.00 - but Lances deal a little less than twice the damage of a Pike (70.5 average), so it washes out :) It’s _much_ easier to find a decent Pike than a Lance, though, so you don’t have to put up with hours of crummy WW before getting to slaughter monsters in 1.00.

Good luck with the Sorc gear - thankfully you can get pretty far gambling, then buying a +mana/faster cast wand/scepter. Are you going for 7fpa?
[mention]Ülthör[/mention] When LOD 1.07 came out, that’s when crushing blow was changed so that it also affects bosses, superuniques, etc, and not just white monsters like in prelod. They actually nerfed CB in 1.08 specifically for ranged attacks. In 1.07, CB worked at full force!
Seeing the discussion about Bonesnap vs Pikes, weren’t mauls and great mauis bugged before Lod? Where the ED% would only affect the unused 1-handed damage? I remember reading that somewhere. That could explain why pikes do a lot more damage, other than just having better range.

Also, if you plan on farming for rare items to forward to other patches, you’re better off in 1.00 IMO. You can kill the Cow King repeadtedly and he drops a lot of rares (he drops as if you killed an act boss on a quest kill, every time). Plus you get all the broken affixes from 1.05b as well, so there’s no better place to farm, unless you are searching for a base that cannot spawn in 1.00. This is also indirectly a good way to get gold, by selling his drops, so you can easily gamble SoJs.

The only thing 1.05b has over 1.00 that I know of which can be useful to a time traveller, are the fact all item bases can drop, the 6 Perfect Skull + Rare cube formula exists (and give ilvl 99 items), and that the game is more stable overall.
Right, for me I prefer overall game stability so I like 1.05b over 1.00. but if you are hunting for 1.00 rares in the fastest way possible, then 1.00 is good for the cow king stuff. I would prefer to find rares in a regular working way, to help with finding items as I’m playing the game globally, and not just a single zone.

But overall, it really depends what you are trying to get out of the game. For some people let’s say 1.07 or 1.08 might be better than 1.09b ;D.
Erayz said:
Seeing the discussion about Bonesnap vs Pikes, weren’t mauls and great mauis bugged before Lod? Where the ED% would only affect the unused 1-handed damage? I remember reading that somewhere. That could explain why pikes do a lot more damage, other than just having better range.

The \"1-1\" damage bug was around from 1.00-1.03; at least for bows, they weren’t fixed until 1.04 (then Amazon skills got nerfed in 1.05).
[mention]dariustriplet[/mention] I’m guessing you mean these 2 lines from the 1.05 patch notes? (there was just a amazon jab skill description fix in 1.04, even though 1.04 overall had nerfs which were fixed/reverted in 1.05, primarily concentration IIRC):

- The Amazon’s Strafe skill now correctly enhances base bow damage rather than total bow damage.
- The Amazon’s Guided Arrow skill now enhances base bow damage rather than total bow damage.

1.05 - https://themovingcaravan.com/viewtopic.php?t=25

1.04 - https://themovingcaravan.com/viewtopic.php?t=23
[mention]fearedbliss[/mention] That’s correct - 1.04 was the only patch with working bow ED% and Strafe/GA ED% applied multiplicatively to other bonuses (and not additively). Annoyingly, 1.04 was also the small radius patch (1.00-1.03 had the star bug, 1.04 had the \"true\" radius, 1.05 extended it), which impacted the search radius on bow skills - the poor Amazon just couldn’t win!
Haha [mention]dariustriplet[/mention]. Thanks for confirming. We could say the poor amazon got her revenge in 1.07-1.09 (Although WF couldn’t drop in WF but that’s not her fault!). Either way, with CB working full force with ranged weapons in 1.07 + the ranged psn bug, GG either way. The ranged psn bug alone was her revenge for 1.08/1.09 :P.