[Succulent] Drops Thread


Staff member
Mar 6, 2022
So I cloned my MF Sorc to Succulent to hunt down GG rares (due to the way you opened up affixes).

Haven’t found anything amazing yet, but check this little 3 socket armor. :D
So Jeweler’s should be able to spawn on elite rare armors now too, right? :shock:
Yea it should, but we’ll see how the game engine behaves as we test it ;D. It also has the possibility for a maximum of 4 sockets.

fearedbliss said:
Yea it should, but we’ll see how the game engine behaves as we test it ;D. It also has the possibility for a maximum of 4 sockets.

Thought so! Very nice :D
That is rare is so pretty... literally just enabling more than one socket on rares opens up a plethora of possibilities and gives them a chance at beating out runewords and uniques. All affixes though is just icing on the cake :P

Think of those sick PvP Jeweler’s armor of the whale or a JMOD but with extra affixes!
galaxyhaxz said:
That is rare is so pretty... literally just enabling more than one socket on rares opens up a plethora of possibilities and gives them a chance at beating out runewords and uniques. All affixes though is just icing on the cake :P

Think of those sick PvP Jeweler’s armor of the whale or a JMOD but with extra affixes!

Exactly! I thought I found my \"forever\" armor when I cubed my Jeweler’s DS of the Whale, but now I’m envisioning the same armor with extra affixes... /drool :geek:
Haha nice. Given the improved Rare affix possibilities, Succulent Classic is lit and it’s been on my mind. I can’t wait to try it out eventually, but need to test Lod ATM.
fearedbliss said:
Haha nice. Given the improved Rare affix possibilities, Succulent Classic is lit and it’s been on my mind. I can’t wait to try it out eventually, but need to test Lod ATM.
Word. 8-)

BTW ~ Check this out. Jeweler’s working without a hitch ~ confirmed ;)
Some recent finds from my Succulent runs.

I thought Rares could no longer spawn with the chance to cast?
[mention]Manny[/mention] Nice ;). They can spawn with CtC. They can’t spawn with any charged affixes (like [5/20] to Fireball).
fearedbliss said:
@Manny Nice ;). They can spawn with CtC. They can’t spawn with any charged affixes (like [5/20] to Fireball).

Ah! Gotcha. :)
Chance to cast is also somewhat ok in 1.09. A level 5 nova can actually do a reasonable amount of damage especially early on. Post 1.10 most CTC became useless, along with thorns damage.

Amp damage is still good though :)
galaxyhaxz said:
Chance to cast is also somewhat ok in 1.09. A level 5 nova can actually do a reasonable amount of damage especially early on. Post 1.10 most CTC became useless, along with thorns damage.

Amp damage is still good though :)

Sweet. Good to know. ;)
Gambled this little circlet in Succulent. I liked it enough to put on the Nova Sorc. :geek:
Haha nice. It just keeps shocking me imagining a level 1 using it lol.
Been too quiet around here ;)

The majority of my D2 time lately has been spent imbueing Threshers (in Succulent).

These are the best ones so far. :geek:
[mention]Manny[/mention] Hmm, I’m trying to see why there is a level requirement on the Thresher (there shouldn’t be unless I have a bug in Succulent). Were these imbued in Succulent and then moved to regular 1.09b (or another mod)? I did a little bit of testing about this but wanted to see if this was shown from Succulent so I don’t go down a rabbit hole lol. Given the regular expansion stash space, I’m guessing it was transferred over ;D?

ooof ~ my bad dude, I didn’t mean to send you down a rabbit hole! :lol:

Yeah, my SOP is to mule off items I want to keep unless they are going straight onto a character. I typically always have ATMA fired up and ready to go for this reason, and currently all of my 1.09b mules are housed in a vanilla 1.09b instance.

Hmm. That makes me wonder. It’d be cool to see what everyone’s Cactus looks like. Maybe a new thread idea :geek:

Below is mine right now. Succulent has basically replaced most of my \"final edition\" launchers. Except I did keep one for crafting. And for kicks and giggles, I’ll also add a screenshot of my beloved ATMA and \"NiceRaresIII\" -- the home of those polearms :lol: