[No Longer Available] Starcraft and Warcraft III Patches Now Available!

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Staff member
Dec 19, 2021
I’m no longer mirroring these patches.

Hello all,

I’ve decided to backup and archive all the Starcraft and Warcraft III patches that I could find. Blizzard went dark with their FTP site around 2015, so I was able to collect what I could from the Wayback Machine’s final copies of the FTP site. I know that I can find some patches by accessing their URL links directly. I’ll be adding more over time when I get more time to fetch and find them. You can find the ones I’ve collected here. Although to be honest, all of my memories of playing Starcraft and Warcraft III were from 2000-2003, and it’s not like I’m going to be doing Starcraft / Warcraft III Time Traveling LOL. So the patches I’ve already collected will pretty much satisfy my nostalgia in full. Regardless, here they are :). I haven’t tested any of these but they look legit.

I encourage anyone interested to download all of the patches and create your own mirror as well.

Starcraft Patch Updater Archives

Warcraft III Patch Updater Archives

- fearedbliss
Thanks for sharing these :D

Oh, and this little zip file is lookin lost amongst a sea of executables :lol:

Np. And yea, I don’t know what’s the difference but I kept it identical to what battle.net had back then according to the internet archive. I did check both of their checksums and they are in fact different... But named with the same version number.
fearedbliss said:
Np. And yea, I don’t know what’s the difference but I kept it identical to what battle.net had back then according to the internet archive. I did check both of their checksums and they are in fact different... But named with the same version number.

I totally assumed they were the same. Shoulda known you checked the checksums :D

Also would like to find out what these two fixes and the two .reg files are for. Hmm

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