Muling in Cactus/Singling Environment


New member
Nov 11, 2023
Hello all,

Having a great time playing 1.07. I respect a lot of the decision made in the development of these awesome tools. However there is one use case I have, that is not addressed:

I wish to mule items off my character without disrupting my map roll. Currently I’ve been doing LAN games to mule off to other characters.

Another way of saying it, is the desire for infinite \"shared\" stash.

Is there a way, without additional external tools outside of this suite, to accomplish this task? I believe Alpaca is not compatible with 1.07 release if I read the release notes correctly?
Hey @Nemesis,

I’m moving this to technical support since it’s more related to that.

This isn’t possible without using my external tools. You are right that Alpaca isn’t 1.07 compatible but that project is also deprecated so I don’t recommend its usage. The recommended way is the way you are currently doing it which is to use LAN and lose the map.

Now if you really want to save your map, you could use ATMA to easily get your map seed and then you can use -seed YOURMAPSEED to restore the map. Once you load up the character, immediately save and exit, and remove the -seed flag since I heard leaving it on all the time can mess with the internal RNG during the game session which can cause dupes, although idk if this is true. Remove it to be safe. The map seed is just some bytes in the character file so I’m sure it’s just a matter of reading those areas and then using a hex calculator to convert to an integer number.

Either way that would be the only other alternative I know to getting and recovering your map seed. Although I just use LAN and lose the map lol, if I keep coming back to the same exact situation it kinda gets a bit boring so might as well enjoy the ride and the variety.

I hope this helps!
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+1 for using ATMA, but I would recommend going all the way! Go ahead, and actually use it for the task its created for (muling), instead of only using it to find your map seed. I’ve always found LAN/multi-instance muling to be clunky at best, and that of course, is IMHO. I do appreciate that it’s possible though, with Singling that is, so no shade on [mention]fearedbliss[/mention], or his great work <3

Anyways, the latest version of ATMA (V) is compatible with 1.07, and does everything you need. You can mule/xfer items among your characters to your hearts content without affecting your map. It is easy to set-up, lightweight, and has other niceties like a built in Drop Calculator (might be useless in 1.07 though). GoMule is another popular alternative, but after comparing the two over the course of a week or two, I found my preference was ATMA.

Hope you find a solution you’re happy with. Happy hunting!

P.S. Cactus has a nifty backup feature now. So definitely be using that often for when the inevitable happens, and one day your mouse pointer tags Nightmare when you meant Hell :lol:. It’s happened to me more than once. ;)
Thanks for the replies y’all. I ended up going the ATMA V route. So far, so good!
Nemesis said:
Thanks for the replies y’all. I ended up going the ATMA V route. So far, so good!

Hell yeah, bro. Have fun!