Links and Resources


Staff member
Dec 19, 2021
This post contains links and resources that would be useful to the community.

Cactus, Singling, and Video Renderers
These are robust tools that will help you easily play any version of Diablo II, while also optionally having non-gameplay modifications. Please read the included README files for these projects for more information. Singling is part of Cactus. The Cactus main page also contains information of how to download Cactus.

The Chaos Sanctuary
This is the last archived version of "The Chaos Sanctuary" before the Expansion came out. A little before LOD was released, The Chaos Sanctuary was closed down in favor of "Arreat Summit". Not every single link in this archived version works, but the majority of it still loads, including most (if not all) item types, images, and stats. Thus this link is useful for anyone playing 1.00 - 1.06b. A little more of the earlier posts posted on the News page can be found here.

A Character Planner for Diablo 2 (Vanilla, Path of Diablo, and Project Diablo 2)

Time Traveling Tips and Warnings
Useful information regarding crash related bugs, etc., that can occur in some older versions of the game

Edited by @Manny.
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I love this memo (1.14) which has so many general informations sumerized on the same page : break points, mercenaries, tal rasha tombs, upping, recepies, runes, runewords, socketting, crafting, gems, shopping, items, map reading, etc.

I use it very often, especcially when leveling. So handy
Useable for older versions of course.

IAS breakpoint calculator :

Amazonbasin : how mechanics works. Plus very usefull if you look for an item with specific attribute. You need fire absorb ? Here is the list. The same for mpk, CB, mf, etc.
Great resources. Looking through the old links in chaos sanctuary was so nostalgic. I used to live in the arreat summit, even in high school, planning builds and gear layouts.

I found a link to some dev diaries on gamespot for D2 and some music samples from Matt Uelmen that I could still listen to.
Here a paste of a \"maphack\" (directions are relative to the entrance tile and describe the orientation of the exit tile unless specified otherwise):

act i - open maps are rectangles, so stick to the road but not exactly on it and look for torches for the outside waypoints
blood moor - open town portal on the road bifurcation and go to the cold plains waypoint to save time
den of evil
cold plains - map is rectangle and burial grounds is close to the corner while stony field is in the center of its side
cave 1
cave 2
burial grounds
stony field - cairn stones are usually near the road and underground passage is on the inside or if there is cliff - on the edge
underground passage 1 - next level is to the left and next map is straight ahead
underground passage 2
dark wood - forgotten tower and waypoint are usually near the edge or near an inner boundary
black marsh
hole 1
hole 2
forgotten tower
tower cellar 1 - next level is to the left
tower cellar 2 - next level is to the left
tower cellar 3 - next level is to the left
tower cellar 4 - next level is to the left
tower cellar 5
tamoe highland - the monastery gate is in the top right
pit 1
pit 2
monastery gate - if there is bushes in the middle of the waypoint tile - go straight, otherwise - go towards the opposite side of the waypoint
outer cloister
barracks - the jail and horadric malus are straight ahead or to the left
jail 1 - waypoint is to the left and next level is straight ahead
jail 2 - pitspawn fouldog is to the left and the next level is straight ahead
jail 3 - next map is to the left
inner cloister
catacombs 1
catacombs 2
catacombs 3 - next level is to the right of the waypoint
catacombs 4 - to escape Andariel melee attacks you can run around the blood pond

act ii - open maps are rectangles, the entrances and exits of the open maps are always at the corner so skip indented edges, stick to the edge and look for torches for the outside waypoints
sewers 1 - next level is often left and right of the lut gholein dock
sewers 2 - waypoint is to the left and next map is straight ahead
sewers 3 - radament is to the left
rocky waste - if you leave lut gholein from top left then next map could be close top right and if you leave from top right - could be close top left
stony tomb 1
stony tomb 2
dry hills
halls of the dead 1 - next level is to the left
halls of the dead 2 - waypoint is straight ahead and next level is to the left
halls of the dead 3 - horadric cube is to the left
far oasis - if there is cliff often the waypoint is on one of the side and maggot lair on the other
maggot lair 1 - next level is to the right
maggot lair 2 - next level is to the right
maggot lair 3 - staff of kings is straight ahead - usually top right
lost city - the valley of snakes is often close to the lost city entrance
ancient tunnels
valley of snakes
claw viper temple 1 - next level is to the left
claw viper temple 2
harem 1
harem 2
palace cellar 1 - the waypoint is down left the middle
palace cellar 2
palace cellar 3
arcane sanctuary - the symbol of the true tal rasha’s tomb is the one that is missing and the right direction is sometimes coincident with the Rogue Encampment and Lut Gholein exits
canyon of the magi
tal rasha’s tomb - the false tombs chests and the tal rasha’s chamber are to the left
tal rasha’s chamber - to block duriel advancing near you go to the top left right corner, wait for duriel to come near you, head towards bottom right corner and right after the fallen column move closer to the wall or to block his charging you go to bottom right corner and stay there

act iii - jungle maps are made of 6x2 tiles with up to 3 areas on one of the sides and connected with next map on the 3rd or 5th tile or straight after the 6th tile
spider forest - sometimes the flayer jungle is connected to spider forest and allows you to skip great marsh
arachnid lair
spider cavern
great marsh
flayer jungle
swampy pit 1
swampy pit 2
swampy pit 3
flayer dungeon 1 - next level is to the left
flayer dungeon 2 - next level is to the left
flayer dungeon 3
lower kurast - chests in the tents around the campfires, next map is in one of the corners
kurast bazaar - next map is in the diagonally opposite of the entrance
disused fane
ruined temple - entrance faces bottom left
sewers 1 - next level is to the right of the golden chests tile
sewers 2
upper kurast
forgotten reliquary
forgotten temple
kurast causeway
disused reliquary
ruined fane
durance of hate 1 - next level is to the left
durance of hate 2 - waypoint is to the left and next level is straight ahead
durance of hate 3 - to block mephisto lure him near the blood river and go around or teleport over it

act iv - open maps are rectangles, so stick to the edge
outer steppes - the plains of despair could be close right, straight ahead or in the top right
plains of despair
city of the damned
river of flame - chaos sanctuary is in the top right
chaos sanctuary - hide behind the pillars at the left part of the sanctuary from diablo’s lightning inferno, firestorm and fire nova

act v - stick to the edge for the open maps as they always exit from top left or top right and zigzag to find waypoints
bloody foothills
frigid highlands
arreat plateau
pit of acheron
crystalline passage - waypoint is to the right, the frozen river is straight ahead and next map is to the left
frozen river - anya is to the left
nihlathak’s temple
halls of anguish - the halls of pain is top right, bottom mid or bottom left
halls of pain - if waypoint is mid left than next level is top right, if waypoint is top right than next level is bottom mid, if waypoint mid right than next level is bottom left
halls of vaught - follow the two spider patterns on the wall
glacial trail - waypoint is straight behind, golden chest is to the right, drifter cavern is straight ahead and next map is to the left
drifter cavern
frozen tundra
infernal pit
ancients’ way - waypoint is to the right, icy cellar is straight ahead and next map is to the left
icy cellar
arreat summit - the ancients are randomized so rerolling is sometimes worth it, running or teleporting around might leave you fighting with only one or two and staying on the highest step of worldstone keep entrance does not allow talic and korlic to use respectively whirlwind or leap attack
worldstone keep 1
worldstone keep 2 - next level is to the right of the waypoint
worldstone keep 3
throne of destruction - luring harder minions outside the throne area allows you to skip them
Thanks for this [mention]oni[/mention]. Anyone we should give credit to for the \"paste\" or did you write it? Much appreciated!