Greetings to all, Diablo 1 is still alive !


New member
Oct 10, 2024
So yeah, it's a surprise but the Original Diablo still have a somewhat active population and following. Currently there are two active Discords that allow for meeting people, engage with the community, etc. if you want to dwell into the labyrinth with someone else. The first one is The Horadrim , we started this Discord post GoG & DevilutionX. At the time (and still do) have our own instance of the old that is a bit easier to manage the technical difficulties when you want a quick game with someone else. Nevertheless we do also support & play the DevilutionX mod. DevilutionX is a source-port of Diablo with some QoL and a lot of bugfixes, in addition in the upcoming 1.6.0 a lot of the code will allow of the creation of LUA mods - basically a way for everyone to play & mod the game according to some fluid code. Let say to want to make the game super challenging and have the monster super hard, you enter the LUA mod and play then with the same character you'll be able to play the normal instance of the game. The Discord for that is: DevilutionX.


If you are interested in playing with others (specially if you want to progress late in the game) I propose you to join The Horadrim, most of us play this game for very very long time so we hope we can be of help :)
Yeah it's pretty awesome that D1 & D2 still have active communities. It goes to show that these games really connected with a lot of people and remain fun even after so many technological advances with gaming in the past couple decades. I mean, the original Diablo will be turning 30 years old in 2027 which is kind of crazy to imagine! I have played a bit of DevilutionX myself and IMHO it's the way to go if you want to experience the game on modern hardware with some great QoL improvements. Highly recommend it for sure. That being said, I think it's pretty neat that you still have an instance of the old running. I am going to have to check that at some point, even if it's just for a quick nostalgia trip. ^ ^

Thanks for the share, and welcome again to TMC!