[1.09b] Champion Loto (Paladin) [Level 60 | A3 Hell | RETIRED]


Staff member
Dec 19, 2021
Suddenly, Loto has re-awakened in the 1.09b universe. The distant memories are fading quickly, but he has a subtle but innate feeling internally, as if somehow, he still has a feeling of wisdom. Loto is currently in A1 Norm and has just rescued Cain.
Nothing too crazy, but Loto is now in A4 Norm. Just slowly working my way back up.
Yesterday I made some nice progress and was able to beat A1 Norm. Currently level 29 in A1 NM. Gonna be staying in Normal for now till around 50 (as per my usual strategy). I was able to find a raven claw and a spire of lazarus in one meph mf run, although I sold both of them since I’m playing untwinked for all of these chars so these are both useless for me. If I were to ever find a WF, then maybe I’ll make an exception, but maybe not!
Currently level 47 and just grinding until level 50 and crafting some gear, and mfing whatever pops up, then will resume with NM. Some basic improvements with 8% CB gloves (but only 1% LL unfortunately), and 10% deadly strike with a blood helm. And Civerbs as a wep so not bad given the increase max dmg + max dmg per level. Atm Loto is starting to feel like his former self, but not yet.
Loto is now level 50 in A4 NM. I’m grinding for better gear before moving forward.
Loto has reached A1 Hell and has finished Cain. I had to do a bunch of MFing today to slowly upgrade my weapon, and then the rest of my gear in order to even be able to beat A4 NM CS, but once I was done mfing, I returned with a vengeance. Loto has basically completely re-awakened again and he’s wrecking things way faster than in 1.08.

I posted Loto’s NM Ancients and Baal fights here: https://youtu.be/YBcFO4c_TUo