[1.07] Eve's Journey (Sorceress) [Softcore | Level 13 | A1 Normal]


Staff member
Mar 6, 2022
I’m taking a break today from the 1.09b grind to finally start leveling my 1.07 Sorceress, Eve.

I’ve never played 1.07 before and still need to carefully plan out my stat/skill build.

My goals are to eventually roll some nice maps, rack run for OG uniques, and also obtain some of those really neat MPK rings and other novelties.

The nice thing is that I literally can’t twink her, power level, send myself gold, or anything of the sort. I just dinged level 3, and with no FRW it feels like I’m crawling. It’s a nice change of pace. Currently I’m listening to Matt Uelmen’s \"Azuremyst Isle\", and it’s a perfect ambient background track for playing D2. It has this otherworldly/ethereal vibe that I’m a big fan of.

And I’ll always love the art in this game. Just look at this cool little house :D
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[mention]Manny[/mention] Nice :). I’m glad you are starting fresh. I finally got a bunch of stuff I’ve been working on in a good place so I’m gonna try and start today to play some Diablo 2 again. I still have my 1.05b and stuff from my recent ladder reset, but for this one I want to give 1.08 a try again, regardless of the whole increased NM/Hell physical penalties and the insane Magic Resistance differences. I played 1.08 before and matted my sorc Prunella, on it. But Yea i want to try it again and of course spend some time racking. I did learn that I didn’t like racking as much as I thought I was gonna like it, and racking in 1.07 is better than 1.08 given that the TC level checks aren’t implemented yet, so you can still get everything you want juat by getting to Act 3 LK, rather than having to go to Halls of Vault and all of that in 1.08. 1.07 is a patch I’ve been wanting to come back to for a while since I only got a Barb to level 30 on there before, and also 1.07 has a lot more possibilities, and SF still works like Classic ;), let alone MPK rings. I think I’ll finally start a 1.07 LOD stash as well today and we can discuss our Single Player progress on this beautiful patch. I’m also excited to use the players command on it, having a savage SF, and also having CB affect range weapons at full force means that rubbing hell cows is gonna be freaking interesting. We prolly could get to level 99 even easier on 1.07 with players command than 1.09. especially if you are a sorc and don’t need to worry about farming mana pots anymore. Gg. Let’s do it!
[mention]fearedbliss[/mention] Nice man! I am looking forward to you getting started with 1.07 as well. I didn’t know that SF was so bad ass in 1.07. I just looked that up after your reply. There is apparently a LOT to learn about this patch, which is a big part of the fun.

Hmm. And according to another post that I’m reading now, apparently pierce items affect/enhance Cold Mastery...veryyy interesting...
OMG. Blood Raven is INSANE in this patch. She does not stop moving and kiting. There is no way she is this difficult in 1.09b. I had to go back to town like 10 times to refill on mana and she almost ended me a couple times. Just what am I getting into here? Yikes. No matter, I must press on.

Lol. Make sure you start collecting all chipped sapphires you find so you can start making MPK rings. I believe ideal level for an FCR + MPK ring is level 8. So if you are sharing items between chars, you can leave another char that just makes rings.

Another thing to blow your mind, is that you run slower in 1.07 (vs 1.09). So if you make a new char in both versions and start running, you should feel a difference. At least that was my experience. 1.07 however has no diminishing returns for FRW charms and gear so you could get fast AF.

Last thing, when you get to act 4, I would recommend for you to kill your Merc and solo the level. If your Merc gets eaten by one of those River of Flame monsters that way corpses, it will be destroyed and cannot be revived. This is a bug which affects .07 and .08.
Congrats on beating Blood Raven; she was always an absolute nightmare to deal with pre-1.09. I usually cleared the two tombs first to get extra levels and gear; otherwise she was just too hard.

How’s leveling on p8 in 1.07 compared to 1.09? In 1.05 I think I was around level 8 at Blood Raven.
Thanks [mention]dariustriplet[/mention] , and welcome to the forum, by the way. ;)

That was a good idea. I went back through this morning and cleared out the Mausoleum and the Crypt. Scored my first Sapphire in there, and also a pair of boots that I was very happy to see! And Rakanishu dropped me a little orb too that isn’t terrible. Might use it for a few levels.
Eve has awakened from her slumber, and now she's ready to continue her journey!

She will be my first "main" hero outside of 1.09.

Shout out to @Nemesis who rushed her sometime before TMC's hiatus. Now it's time to go back and do some proper leveling and questing. IIRC, we tried some cows, but that didn't work out so great ^^

Currently I'm being frugal with stat points because I'm still planning the build. Got to be careful...


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Sweet! 1.07 is a beast of a patch to play, offering much greater rewards but greater risks too than other patches. For leveling you can do blood runs if cows are too difficult. They are very easy to manage on all difficulties with a sorc, especially as cold pierces immunities.
@Manny Also let me know how the Singling players command works for you. The exciting thing is that I think p8 hell cows and p8 LK on all difficulties should be very nice for gaining exp and finding gems/jewels/charms (even if 1.07 has lower jewel drop rates than 1.08).

Another thing is that the A5 merc's health regeneration is bugged and depends on the player count IIRC.. so p8 on 1.08 may mean that it would be very difficult for your A5 Merc to die.
Eve has awakened from her slumber, and now she's ready to continue her journey!

She will be my first "main" hero outside of 1.09.

Shout out to @Nemesis who rushed her sometime before TMC's hiatus. Now it's time to go back and do some proper leveling and questing. IIRC, we tried some cows, but that didn't work out so great ^^

Currently I'm being frugal with stat points because I'm still planning the build. Got to be careful...

Glad to see you got 1.07 going! I ended up doing the souls MF trick which gives some of the "easy" 1.07 uniques (like valk) but not the hard ones (like shako or arkaines Valor). Haven't played in a bit though.
Glad to see you got 1.07 going! I ended up doing the souls MF trick which gives some of the "easy" 1.07 uniques (like valk) but not the hard ones (like shako or arkaines Valor). Haven't played in a bit though.
Hell yeah bro. I'm actually booting up the retro rig now to get my D2 on. Get hyped and come join me in 1.07!

Once I get leveled up enough I will drop you a message -- together we can do some work on cows :)
Hell yeah bro. I'm actually booting up the retro rig now to get my D2 on. Get hyped and come join me in 1.07!

Once I get leveled up enough I will drop you a message -- together we can do some work on cows :)
Remember when I rushed you, I also rushed an Amazon. Have lightning fury going. I need to get back into time traveling again for sure.