Haha thanks [mention]dariustriplet[/mention]. Yea in HC I’m very defensive/conservative, so I wouldn’t risk not having a shield basically.. I’ll take a look into that CS bolt behavior once she is strong enough to handle herself (and her mana) for offensive stuff. Yea you are right about the javelin dmg being low, and given that there is basically no rare/unique javelins (or any other javelin type - glaive, short spears, etc), I’m basically playing the way I usually do in 1.05b, which is to just use regular melee weapon/shields until the character can survive using their own skills. So slow and careful.
It’s kinda interesting since it’s kinda like how in D1, regardless of what character you picked, you are kinda playing very similarly until your character can find the spell books they need, and have enough weapons/etc to survive in a more class specific type of way. It’s pretty enjoyable in a way. On another note, I think I may day in either late A3 or A4, but we’ll see what happens haha.