[1.05b] Lora’s Hardcore Adventures

Nice work! Beating Duriel is no joke in 1.05 HC. I’ve always fought him in self-hosted p8 games so it’s odd not seeing him teleport around the chamber :lol:

I’m a huge fan of using Jab against him - you attack at a fixed speed, and he can’t charge you if you’re in a corner. The damage on javelins+shield is a bit low, so I don’t know if they make more sense than a big ol’ Pike/Lance - you get huge blocking but might lose to attrition.

I just read an old Sirian guide about how Charged Strike will drop all 3 bolts on a monster, but only if the physical attack connects. I have absolutely no idea if that’s accurate or not, but it might be worth looking into.
Haha thanks [mention]dariustriplet[/mention]. Yea in HC I’m very defensive/conservative, so I wouldn’t risk not having a shield basically.. I’ll take a look into that CS bolt behavior once she is strong enough to handle herself (and her mana) for offensive stuff. Yea you are right about the javelin dmg being low, and given that there is basically no rare/unique javelins (or any other javelin type - glaive, short spears, etc), I’m basically playing the way I usually do in 1.05b, which is to just use regular melee weapon/shields until the character can survive using their own skills. So slow and careful.

It’s kinda interesting since it’s kinda like how in D1, regardless of what character you picked, you are kinda playing very similarly until your character can find the spell books they need, and have enough weapons/etc to survive in a more class specific type of way. It’s pretty enjoyable in a way. On another note, I think I may day in either late A3 or A4, but we’ll see what happens haha.
Sick thread! Love the videos and the progress thus far. Now i’m feeling the urge, THE URGE TO PLAY D2!!!
[mention]Manny[/mention] lmfao, make a HC char and see how long you can last.

[mention]dariustriplet[/mention] I forgot to mention, I basically only play on p1 for PvE. I do p8 on SC if I want to power level, but in HC? Chill haha. I prolly would turn it a little bit up if I’m feeling a little risky in her end game, but yea.. chill :lol:.

[Diablo II] 1.05b (Singling, HC) - Lora (Amazon) - A3P2

  • Ring is from Ormus quest.
  • Boots were from a mob drop.
  • Bloodfist were gambled :D.

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You’re not kidding, those are a really nice pair of boots! Tri-res, FRW, and one off perfect (I think) MF% as a bonus! If the LR was higher, those would be GG.

How does \"fastest\" translate to LoD numbers? Is that 40%?
Not 100% sure but prolly 30-40% yea haha. Although the original philosophy (from my understanding) the devs had (and why they didn’t have specific %s) was that they didn’t want people to spend too much time thinking about these factors but rather wanted them to just enjoy and play the game. If you saw \"fast vs faster vs fastest\", well the decision is easy, equip whatever is faster and keep on playing. Same goes for IAS/FCR. In a way, I do prefer the simplicity of that system.
[mention]Snotspill[/mention] Haha ty. I might not even make it to Hell Duriel with this char :?. Given the extremely slow leveling curve, low drop rates, and just lack of gear, it gets boring, and it’s definitely a test of patience as well. But in a way it’s part of the fun? We’ll see what happens. Playing a different char helps in this regard for sure, but defeats the purpose of playing this type of character. In a lot of ways the experience is what you make it ;D.

On another note, I was able to finally find an upgrade for my previous weapon. I did lose 6% LL and attack speed, but my max damage went up by 30, combined with Critical Strike, it helps amplify that affect. The sword also has 4 Cold Damage so that helps chill enemies ;D. I also saw a +19 str pair of boots in the shop, good ol’ prelod possibilities.

[Diablo II] 1.05b (Singling, HC) - Lora (Amazon) - NM - A1P1
